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 Fruits and Vegetables——Secret Weapons for Eye Sun-Protection in Summer
  • Fruits and Vegetables——Secret Weapons for Eye Sun-Protection in Summer
  • During the hot summer, people always pay great attention to their skin care. However, it is far from enough. Our eyes also need protection. Because the ultraviolet rays in the sun, especially the blue light, will bring great harms to our eyes. Eyelids and eyebrows are a gift from God, which are just like the "solar shield" to protect our eyes. In addition, many people choose to wear sunglasses in summer, because sunglasses can absorb ultraviolet rays and avoid the direct exposure of sunlight. However, it is far enough to rely only on these. Experts give three suggestions to help us protect the health of our eyes through diets.

    Firstly, eat more green and yellow fruits and vegetables.
    Green and yellow fruits and vegetables can filter out blue light. and zeaxanthin belong to carotenoids. Both of the two pigments give the food beautiful yellow and green color, such as the shiny green spinach, light green peas and deep yellow corns. What's more, once these two pigments enter into human body, they will accumulate in the light-sensitive tissues at the back of the eyes. These tissues will filter out blue light and protect our eyes. Other source of lutein and carotene include long leaf lettuce, kale, broccoli, avocado, squash, kiwi, etc.

    Secondly, eat more fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C.
    Fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C are antioxidants. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals. Inhibition of free radicals in the eyes is particularly important for the eyes, because the eye lens contain high levels of vitamin C, which, as , can protect the eyes. And this is why we have to take in a large number of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants. Experts remind us that we can simply add tomatoes, peppers, citrus fruit, kiwi fruit, berries and broccoli in our daily diets, so as to increase the intake of vitamin C.

    Thirdly, eat more fruits and vegetables containing vitamin A.
    Fruits and vegetables containing vitamin A are also very beneficial to the eyes. We may already know that carrots are very helpful to the eyes. But do you know why? Because carrot contains another kind of carotenoid——β-carotene, which can change into vitamin A in the body. And vitamin A plays an important role for the normal functions of the eyes. What's more, β-carotene is also the reason for the dark orange color of the following vegetables: pumpkin, sweet potato, sweet melon, apricot, peach and papaya.

    Do not ignore the health of your eyes in summer. You can follow the above suggestions, and begin to protect your eyes from your daily diets.

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