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 Spinach: Good for Your Eyes
  • Spinach: Good for Your Eyes
  • Nowadays, white-collar workers sit in front of computers for all day. As a result, their eyes are exhausted. Besides, 90% of information is received by eyes and thus eyes become one of the most hardworking organs.

    Staying-up and excessive work harm eyes a lot. Besides, lack of nutrition is another reason for bad eyes. According to a research conducted in University of Manchester, spinach is the best source of lutein which can prevent the macular degeneration caused by aged eyes. Another research by Ohio State University said lutein in spinach can prevent the cataract.

    What’s more, spinach is also a good source of vitamin B 2 and beta-carotene. When the body has enough vitamin B 2, eyes are not easy to be bloodshot. And beta-carotene can be turned into vitamin A in the body, preventing dry eye disease.

    However, spinach has far more benefits than the above. It is rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium which strengthen the elasticity of eyes’ muscles. And thus, people are not easy to get shortsightedness. As we know, lack of calcium results in weak elasticity of eyeballs. Daily rice, fried meat, desserts and sweet drinks reduce the amount of calcium in human bodies. If people eat less meat and more green vegetables, their elasticity of eyeballs would be improved.

    Researchers at University of Pennsylvania, USA said that fresh spinach contains rich nutrients among which two substances are the most important. One is folic acid which prevents the spina bifida of babies. The other one is carotene which helps growth and prevents blindness. Besides, spinach contains rich anti-oxidant, significantly effective to anti-aging. Experts say that it is better for women to eat 30 grams spinach per day than 1250 milligrams vitamin C or 3 cups of red wine.

    But researchers found the nutrients of spinach lose quickly several days later after the picking. It loses half of folic acid in 4-8 days. And the carotene also reduces to 54% of the original amount.

    How to solve the problem of the loss of nutrients? Experts indicate that refrigerate spinach is a good way to keep the nutrients. Experiments show that low temperature reduces the loss to a large extent. Besides, most people assume canned spinach has lower nutrition than the fresh one. But it is not all right. Canned spinach is more nutritional than that placed for a long time. And thus, experts suggest people eat as fresh as possible vegetables.

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