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  • Synthesis and antibacterial activity of amphiphilic lysine-ligated NEOMYCIN B (cas 119-04-0) conjugates

  • Add time:08/30/2019    Source:sciencedirect.com

    Amphiphilic lysine-ligated NEOMYCIN B (cas 119-04-0) building blocks were prepared by reductive amination of a protected C5″-modified neomycin B-based aldehyde and side chain-unprotected lysine or lysine-containing peptides. It was demonstrated that a suitably protected lysine-ligated neomycin B conjugate (NeoK) serves as a building block for peptide synthesis, enabling incorporation of aminoglycoside binding sites into peptides. Antibacterial testing of three amphiphilic lysine-ligated neomycin B conjugates against a representative panel of Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains demonstrates that C5″-modified neomycin-lysine conjugate retains antibacterial activity. However, in most cases the lysine-ligated neomycin B analogs display reduced potency against Gram-positive strains when compared to unmodified neomycin B or unligated peptide. An exception is MRSA where an eightfold enhancement was observed. When compared to unmodified neomycin B, the prepared lysine-neomycin conjugates exhibited a 4–8-fold enhanced Gram-negative activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and up to 12-fold enhanced activity was observed when compared to unligated reference peptides.

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    Prev:Quantification of neomycin in rubella vaccine by off/on metal ion mediated photoluminescence from functionalized graphene quantum dots
    Next:Paromomycin and NEOMYCIN B (cas 119-04-0) derived cationic lipids: Synthesis and transfection studies)

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