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  • Lignin biorefinery: Separation of vanillin, Vanillic acid (cas 121-34-6) and acetovanillone by adsorption

  • Add time:09/04/2019    Source:sciencedirect.com

    Vanillin (V), acetovanillone (VO) and Vanillic acid (cas 121-34-6) (VA) were fractionated after alkaline depolymerization of lignin. The feed solution had an initial pH of 13.7 and the work was performed always under alkaline pH, reducing chemical waste. The organic charge of the solution was reduced from the initial 58.8 (±0.4) g/L to 31.0 (±1.3) g/L by membrane filtration. Permeate from the last membrane, was fed to the chromatographic column, resulting in fractions with different composition. From the total amounts fed to the column, 3.21(±0.25) g of V, 1.48(±0.10) g of VA and 0.35(±0.04) g of VO, it was possible to recover 94.1% of VA in the first eluted fraction, 96.2% of V and 43.4% of VO in the second fraction by water desorption and, the remaining VO, 52.7%, in the third fraction by ethanol desorption. Cyclic operation can be implemented without deep regeneration of the adsorbent as the 4 cycles performed revealed.

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    Prev:Development of Vanillin (cas 121-33-5)/β-cyclodexterin inclusion microcapsules using flax seed gum-rice bran protein complex coacervates
    Next:The effect of Vanillic acid (cas 121-34-6) on ligature-induced periodontal disease in Wistar rats)

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