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  • Bioavailability and storage stability of vitamin A fortificant (Retinyl acetate (cas 127-47-9)) in fortified cookies

  • Add time:09/25/2019    Source:sciencedirect.com

    Vitamin A deficiency is one of the major nutritional deficiencies affecting population in developing regions. In Pakistan, 60% of the child deaths are due to diarrhea and respiratory infection, which are associated with vitamin A deficiency. This study was to assess the bioavailability and stability of vitamin A fortificant in cookies fortified with retinyl acetate. Cookies fortified with Vitamin A (retinyl acetate) were manufactured and physically, chemically and sensorial analyzed. Efficacy studies were carried and Serum retinol concentrations were measured to assess the bioavailability of Vitamin A (retinyl acetate), different organ weights were also measured to check the effects of Vitamin A (retinyl acetate) on organ weights and body growth. The treatment T4 containing (257.85 μg) 45% RDA fortification level of retinyl acetate was judged best considering, physical, chemical and sensory characteristics. Baking losses were lowest in T4. Efficacy study revealed that Serum retinol concentrations were 125.19 μg/dl in control group and it was raised to 148.64 μg/dl in T4. Liver, lungs, left kidney, right kidney, heart, spleen, brain, left testicles and right testicles increased in their weights when fed with vitamin A fortified diet as compared to control. Exceptions were only brain and spleen, in spleen it remained stable and brain weight reduced as compared to control. Fortification of cookies with 257.85 μg (45% RDA) of retinol acetate improved nearly all quality attributes and through efficacy studies it was concluded that vitamin A significantly affects growth and body functioning of rats. Concludingly cookies fortified with 257.85 μg of retinol acetate can be used effectively to overcome vitamin A deficiency in the children.

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