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  • Diglycolic acid (cas 110-99-6) induces HepG2/C3A liver cell toxicity in vitro

  • Add time:08/20/2019    Source:sciencedirect.com

    Carboxymethyl starches are added to food products for thickening or tablet binding/filling purposes. Although they lack toxicity, their synthesis creates the chemical byproduct Diglycolic acid (cas 110-99-6) (DGA), which is difficult to eliminate and whose toxicity is in question. A rare case of an accidental direct exposure to extremely high concentrations of DGA in a person revealed that DGA has the potential to be toxic to several organs, with the kidneys and liver being the most affected organs. Given that DGA is present in our food supply as a chemical byproduct of carboxymethyl starch food additives, we sought to perform in vitro testing of its potential hepatotoxicity to help complement a recent in vivo rat acute dose-response study that also tested for the potential hepatotoxic effects of daily DGA ingestion by oral gavage over a period of 28 days. Using the HepG2/C3A cellular in vitro model, we tested how escalating doses of DGA exposure over 24 h could induce hepatotoxicity. Both in vitro and in vivo testing systems revealed that DGA is indeed a hepatotoxin once a certain exposure threshold is reached. The concordance of these models highlights the utility of in vitro testing to support and help predict in vivo findings.

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    Prev:Simultaneous measurement absorption of CO2 and H2S mixture into aqueous solutions containing Diisopropanolamine (cas 110-97-4) blended with 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate ionic liquid
    Next:28-day repeated dose response study of Diglycolic acid (cas 110-99-6): Renal and hepatic effects☆)

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